
Stress Relief

Stress relief & relaxation

Think about the reinvigorated feeling you have after spending time near the sea? This is a result of the negative ions in the air. Our bodies are surrounded by ions which have influences on our bodily functions both inside and outside. These negative ions benefit the human body by strengthening the immune system, improving metabolism, strengthen function of autonomic nerves and reinforces collagen. In our everyday lives we are in contact with a lot of electrical equipment that produce positive ions. The Breeze Tronic Pro that is used to create the atmosphere in the Salt Room also places a negative charge to the salt particles that are blown into the room and hence creating this relaxed and stress free feeling.

So whilst you are sitting relaxed in the salt room you can leave the stressors of everyday life outside and relax in this negatively charged environment. Your lungs and skin will not only reap the rewards but so can your mood by receiving theses ions and balancing your body’s energy.

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